
Happy Fool's Day! We traveled a bunch because my kids are on spring break, but we've made it to my mom and stepdad's house. :) not much to say right now. we're pretty tired and have little to nothing planned, so we are just gonna relax. I'll probably post more later on.

clouds through the lens of my sunglasses


Watching my mum make dinner and waiting for the rest of my family to show up. It'll be loud, on account of me and my brother's kids, and I'll be happy for it lol. Went ahead and got me a little bluetooth keyboard to make travel writing a little easier so I'm more prone to do it. I'm really excited about it. :) Kinda putting off big changes though till we get back home. I like doing bigger projects than blogging with a real computer still, lol.


I think we'll head home today, and I'm ready to be there. Very very tired from this trip, lol. We enjoyed seeing our families though, so it was a good time even if it's also been exhausting. I will probably be a little useless when we get home for a day or two. Oh! Also upgraded to Supporter today! I'm really excited to work with that. I have been thinking for a while of starting a more focused project, so I'll probably work on notes for that for a couple days/weeks depending on inspiration lol.


We're home safe! Relaxing, watching D20 and parallel playing on laptops, lol. I'm gonna change some small things tonight, but I also got some new plants from my mum and sister by marriage when we went down and it made me think, "why not a page for my plant critters!?". I'm very excited to get started on it, and I'll probably start setting it up in my WIP folder for here, but it won't be till tomorrow that it goes live at least. I'm very tired as I expected and don't really wanna take pictures of them in anything less than sunlight either. Should be online for a bit just making some small changes on other more static pages, though, and those should all be up in like an hour to an hour and a half (depends how much I decide to add lol).


Well, I've done nothing here for a second. ^^' Real life got a little busy. My spouse has been off work so we've done a lot of spring cleaning, and I've gotten a commission to illustrate a children's book, so I've not had a a lot of left over time where I felt like doing shit lol. It'll die down again soon and I'll be doing more again, hopefully. I did add a scrobbler to my About so what I'm listening/watching will show up there even when I'm offline, and that's pretty cool. :) I'll be back soon, thanks for being patient.