
Long time, no see. I didn't mean to disappear for so long. I kind of just got really into existing outside of the internet mostly, and it's been so hot I haven't even wanted to turn on my laptop tbh. Life wasn't busy, really, but we were doing a lot. Unfortunately, I sat down to write this blog entry and all the words I had to begin with have fled, lol. I'll have to get back in the habit of keeping notes about my thoughts during the day, for sure. My thought retention can be pretty abysmal.
Anywho! I may post later, I may not. Who knows. lol


Life has been a bit stressful lately, but we're hanging in there. I'm hoping to get a schedule put together again for us and that'll help a lot. It always does.
I hate doing it during the summer though. Maybe it'd be different if our AC actually worked well, but alas, it's old as shit and our landlords actively made it worse last year by installing a new inside system that only lets us turn the air down so far. We're safe and all that, it just gets so hot you don't want to move much or do anything you don't directly have to, you know? Deeply frustrating.
Like I said, though... Scheduling. I wanna do it better and more consistently than I did last year. It helps in a lot of ways, but I think it will help a ton for getting out of the house, more. Even if it's just regular outside walks. I'll really need it, as my spouse is gonna be gone (work) for a while this year and I know if I don't actively make an effort to have structure and leave the cave while they're gone I'll lose sense of time and scale and become more withdrawn.
I need to set a specific alarm to call people as well, I think. I never have anything going on, and don't live near my family who are all very busy people. We all get kind of sucked into our own lives sometimes, and we all have massive time blindness.. I'll pick up the slack, I don't mind. Like I said, I have nothing else going on lol
I thought about getting a planner, but they never really work out for me. I may get a sketchbook so I can do whatever the hell I want to it. Might make it easier to want to do. We have to go get the kids' school supplies today, so it seems like a good opportunity to test it out at least.
This is such a waffle of a blog post with nothing terribly interesting, but hey! I updated again, finally. I love me saying last time maybe I'd get back sooner; I did, but goodness it was still a while. Getting back of the swing of things will helpfully help here, too. I really want to make a couple of new pages on here soon, I just need to put the work on getting them all put together in a coherent way. I also need to find a better font. :/ This one is a little hard to read, I'm realising. I'll probably attempt finding a replacement for it this weekend.
Thanks for hanging out with me a second.