
Well, I guess I'm resetting this whole area, lol. I've decided to break up everything into months sort of like chapters. I think all the menus and such will make me feel just a bit better writing more often. We were really busy at the beginning of the month and my laptop charger died a lame death. It's all good now. We've got some chill time and I've finally replaced the charger. It'll get busy again next month because we'll be headed back to our hometowns for my kid's springbreak, but I plan to bring my laptop and get some work here done at some point. I've gotta take a break editing the site for a sec and do some house clean up, but I do plan to come back and get some pages fixed up later today as well (the about page mainly lol, I'm thinking of redoing the whole thing).

Feeling incredibly bad right now. Made a joke about myself that didn't land. We use fumbles to find our boundries though, so I'm gonna try not to dwell and remember to choose my words even more carefully.
I am reminding myself of my cat. We got him when he was already at least a year and a half old, he lived outside the whole time before we met him, and we've had him for almost two years now. He's just now started realizing he wants more things than food and quiet calm. I'm 28, and I think we're unfortunately very much the same in that regard. Realizing that you're safe is hard and then in turn realizing things you thought were life threatening aren't anymore, and maybe it's scary because it always has been before, but... aren't necessarily unsafe. Only unpleasant. It sucks to fumble in front of a person you admire, but it's not the end of the world.
I will also roll over, learn, and move on.

Being a dumbass is fine as long as you can learn from being it.
Unrelated. Sort of.