It's been a lot lately. Still haven't found my goddamned tablet pen. I've got two things I need to get done for other people with it, but I may just have to submit pencil drawings for sketches since we have turned the place over looking for it. :/ Annoying. I've been fucking around with other shit for a bit because it's easier to pay attention to other shit when I'm stressed out, lol, so here's that.

I've been working on my The Birthday Massacre shirt! I lined the bleached bunny in lilac yarn with a darning needle. :) I was worried it might be bulky, but I sewed well so it doesn't feel weird. :D Very happy with it.

I also gotta chaperon! It is my new favorite headwear ;0; on top of that! I started patching my favorite jean jacket. :)

I'm really hoping life calms down soon, but I'll be back eventually even if it doesn't stop, so no worries. lol

Got some more work done finally! My spouse and oldest kid caught strep throat this last week and every single toilet in the house decided to fuck up at the same time so it's been... very busy and frustrating. I've not had a lot of time to just sit and chill for any amount of time lol. I started my plant page finally! I'm experimenting on that one with stuff I think looks cool but is a little harder than what I've been doing. Hoping to get a new nib for one of my broken tablet pens I've found (still haven't found the new one that works, ugh) but I'm not exactly sure if I can get the broken nib out so that might be a bust. :/ Really frustrated with all of it especially because I've got some work I'd love to finish. Anyway, enough bellyaching, hopefully I'll get that figured out today.
Oh! Next on my ideas list is an ootd page. It'll be less than everyday lol, but I'd like to like keep a little look book/closet like thing here, I think that'd be a good outlet as I've gotten rid of even more social media lately. I also gotta start a recommedations page and get a collection of buttons/stamps/whatever curated. I love them but I have so little of them lol.
Hopefully it'll be much shorter before the next update.